Sunday, February 1, 2009

This weeks menu plan

I have only been planning my menus for a few weeks, and only posting them for a couple weeks but honestly I can already see the benefits.

1. We always know what we are having so we no longer have the "What sounds good to you?" "I don't know, what sounds good to you?" conversation.

2. Since we know what we are having we can have meat defrosted or whatever preps done prior to cooking that are necessary.

3. Less waste. Since we know what we are having and know which meals typically yield leftovers we can plan accordingly.

4. Huge money savings. We can make fewer trips to the stores. Which means less chances of being tempted to buy things we don't need.

With that said here is the plan for this week.

Sunday: chili & homemade cinnamon rolls (Which didn't turn out that great. What did I do with the awesome recipe I made 2 months ago?!?!?

Monday: French Toast & fruit

Tuesday: Leftover chili

Wednesday: Not sure. Depends on when we get home from my appt at UNMC.

Thursday: Chicken fajitas (from last weeks menu - ended up eating leftovers the night we were to eat these)

Friday: ribeye steaks, pan fried potatoes & onion, corn or peas

Saturday: Sushi night!!! My brothers & their spouses are coming over & we are going to make sushi & play guitar hero. How fun is that going to be?!?!

Tip for today: I've been seeing a lot of information about Tea Tree Oil lately and what a great product it is. Here is a link I came across when googling Tea Tree Oil. It says it is great for acne. I mixed several drops in with my witch hazel astringent. I will keep you posted on how well it works. I've only used it a couple days now and don't really want to recommend it for acne till I've used it for a lot longer. : )

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