Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Work, Socks, and Ham

The time I had off in August and September made me realize how much I want to be home in the mornings to see April off to school and to be here when she gets home. It's something I've been praying about, that God would show me an opportunity to be home more with her. It's not that I don't like my job, cause I do. I just don't want to have to work so many hours or would like to work from home. Because I now I have insurance for April & I through a 3rd party I at least no longer have to rely on my job for insurance. Which I guess could be looked at as one step in the direction of being home more. Maybe the answers will come one piece at a time, like a big puzzle.

Today after work I stopped at Wal-mart (gosh I hate that store, but it's the only one close by!) and splurged on a package of sock for myself! I needed them badly. There are some socks that end up in my drawer that are all stretched out and couldn't possibly fit my feet. But my husband hasn't worn them (according to him) so I just want everyone to be aware that there is apparently some creature or strange person breaking into houses and putting the wifes socks on their feet! How creepy is that?!?!? Luckily now that I got these new socks I can throw out the pairs that the "Phantom Sock Wearer" has ruined. I better keep these new ones under lock and key!

Tomorrow night is "Family Fun Night" at April's school. I am going to help out as part of the PTA group. You know what is really sad? There are probably 500 kids that go to the school, last year there were typically 6-7 parents that actually attended PTA. I find that absolutely crazy. I guess that because I have to know everything that April is doing and everything that is going on at her school I always think other people think/feel the same way.

Today's Tip: A couple nights ago I made a yummy ham. My tip is that the first evening you make a ham you split it into 4 sections. 1 - the bone, 2 - some slices, 3 - some chunks, and 4 - some ground up. If you do all the work that first night then you have several nights worth of ham ready at a moments notice. Use the bone to make some ham and bean soup. If you aren't going to eat it right away, label it and throw it in the freezer. The slices leave for sandwiches, or to heat up and eat with eggs. The chunks can be used in omelets, salads, smothered hashbrowns, or scalloped potatoes and ham. The ground ham can be used for ham salad or just to spread on crackers. The hard part is getting the meat cut up that first night, after that it's smooth sailing!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I had to laugh at the sock dilemma. We never had that problem, but we often had "the left sock thief" visit, so I started buying all socks alike. That way, after he'd visited, there were still pairs to match up! =)

Paul does that with a ham. We have a dozen packages in the freezer after the first night. There are only two of us, and neither of us is a teenager - it goes farther.