Do you know what one of the worst things about the cold weather is? Static. It drives me nuts. Rumor has it that if you pin a safety pin into the seam of your skirt or pants it's supposed to keep you from getting that static ride-up on your legs. I personally have never tried it, but I am willing too! (Although I am a bit skeptical....)
Friday, October 31, 2008
Happy Halloween!!!
Do you know what one of the worst things about the cold weather is? Static. It drives me nuts. Rumor has it that if you pin a safety pin into the seam of your skirt or pants it's supposed to keep you from getting that static ride-up on your legs. I personally have never tried it, but I am willing too! (Although I am a bit skeptical....)
Thursday, October 30, 2008
Dining Sets,Pumpkin Carving, and Nightgowns
Tuesday, October 28, 2008
Precious Time
We are in such a hurry to grow up when we are young. We actually wish away most of our lives. Always in a hurry for the next milestone. When we are in our teens we can't wait to be out on our own, completely independent. Then we can't wait to get married, buy our first house, have children. The list goes on. We get so wrapped up in planning ahead that we forget to enjoy what we have now. Even if things don't always go according to plan it's okay. Just take a deep breath and just be. Not everything needs to be as big of a drama as we make it out to be. And trust me, I am the queen of drama. I need to take my own advice more than anyone else probably does. I am not spontaneous. I never have been. So when something doesn't go as planned or there is an interruption in my plans I get... well frazzled. I freak out and sometimes throw a temper tantrum of sorts. (Ask my mom, she knows all about it.) This is something that I really need to work on. I need to learn that I can't control everything and everyone. I need to just relax and know that somehow everything will work out just as it is meant to.
So for today's tip: Take a few minutes to yourself and just think about all the things that you are grateful for. Don't think about the things you want to change about yourself, think about the things you like about yourself and your life. Things don't always have to big and grand to be appreciated. Often its the little things that mean the most.
Monday, October 27, 2008
Guess what we bought today?
I've been using my crockpot quite a bit lately. I forget sometimes how convenient it is. It's so nice to have something put into the crockpot to cook during the day while we are at work. And then we can avoid even having the discussion of what we should eat. Which is definitely a bonus.
So I finished reading God's Smuggler. It was really a great book. It's amazing how some people believe so strongly that they are willing to give up everything and put themselves in harms way to spread the word of God. Now I have started reading Twilight by Stephenie Meyer. I'm not too far into yet, so I'm not sure.
Today's tip: I have been looking for a white board calendar to hang on the refrigerator for meal planning. I found these awesome magnetic week over week calendars at Office Depot. You can move each week to rotate them. So your not stuck with just one month in a normal calendar fashion. You can have 1 week of one month & 3 of another or any combination. I thought this calendar was awesome and am planning on ordering one in the near future.
Sunday, October 26, 2008
Christmas - the Shopping has begun! (Barely)
Todays tip: Do you like to use those daily shower sprays to help get rid of the day to day grime on your shower walls? Did you know you can make it yourself for about 1/10th of the price that you pay when buying it? I have come across a couple different versions of this of this normally pricey cleaner.
Recipe #1:
Mix together 1/3 cup rubbing alcohol for every cup of water you add to a spray bottle.
Shake, then spray on, no rinsing is required.
Recipe #2:
Mix together 3 cups hot water, 1/2 cup Vinegar, 1 Tbsp Dish Detergent, 1 Tbsp Borax
in a spray bottle. Shake then spray. Note: Do not use this version if you have tile and grout in your shower. The acid in the vinegar can cause the grout to break down!
Friday, October 24, 2008
Too Many Doctor Visits
Last weekend when we were out of town we ate out a lot. Which is not normal for us. So this week we've just been eating at home and trying to use up what we have here already. Tomorrow we will pick up our food from Angel Food Ministries. So our freezer will once again be full. After we pick our food up tomorrow I am going to sit down with a cookbook and pick out a few meals to get us through the next week. Since it's been getting colder I've been making more soups. This week we had a sausage soup - which was okay, but not fantastic. I actually would have preferred it without the sausage, which I guess would just be soup. : ) I also have a lot of eggs right now so I hard boiled some tonight for egg salad to have for lunches this weekend.
I don't know about all of you, but I am SO READY for the election to be over. Every commercial on the radio and television is political and that gets old real quick. I have tuning in to Saturday Night Live during this election season and boy is it funny! I could never run for any kind of public office if I knew everyone in the country would be picking me apart. You better be a pretty strong person to have to put up with that and not take it personal.
I hope no one is too disappointed, but I do not have a tip ready for tonight. April has a friend over right now and to be honest, it's very distracting. Who knew that 2 kids could be so loud!! Gotta get going for now to take April's friend home.
Monday, October 20, 2008
Another week begins
We went out of town to visit my brother, Ryan, and his family this weekend. It was a pretty good time. I had great plans of things I wanted to do/see - I didn't really do much of anything I planned on, but I have to admit it was nice to not really do anything. My brother has a 4-year old daughter who is so cute and funny. She and April love to play together, for the most part they get along although there is some rivalry for attention since they are both the only children in their households. I took the girls to the Children's Museum on Saturday for a couple hours. They were so good.
Remember how I mentioned last week that I've been feeling moody? Well, it's not getting better - at all! Next week I should get that "special visitor" and hopefully things will even out a little bit. I hate to be grouchy but man! I am ready to claw someone's eyes out for looking at me wrong right now. It's really not fun to feel that way and I've been trying so hard to keep it under wraps so I don't upset anyone else - just because I'm hormonally unbalanced doesn't mean everyone else should the price, right? And I am craving junk food like crazy! Man, what I wouldn't give right now for some salt & vinegar chips! Seriously, there is a show on the Food Network about snacks and they just had salt & vinegar chips on there and now I'm craving them. Thanks Food Network!
Tip of the Day: Have you ever wanted to try out a new restaurant while out of town but didn't want to pay a lot? Visit to see what they have available in that town. I bought 5 gift certificates last week to places around where my brother lives. (I knew we'd get down there a few times in the next year.) Anyway, I had a coupon code that I came across online to get 80% off my purchase. I bought 5 gift certificates (valued at $25 each) for a mere $10, not $10 each, but for a total of $10 - that's $2 per certificate for a savings of $23 each!! There are some regulations for using coupons that vary by location. Typical ones are that you must spend $35 to use the certificate, that you can only use one per visit - or even one certificate per month, and that gratuity is automatically calculated into the bill. We used one of our certificates while we were visiting Ryan. It was accepted with no problems at all. This is definitely a website worth checking out - especially with Christmas coming up! Think of how cheap you could get your Christmas shopping done for!!
Thursday, October 16, 2008
Can't wait for the weekend!
I started reading a book a couple days ago "God's Smuggler" which I borrowed from my mom. It's a great book so far about a young man who at first is just going through the motions of being a believer but finally is touched by God and beckoned to do his calling. I'm only a few chapters in and wish I had a few hours to myself to finish reading it. (sigh)
The weather is changing so quickly. It has been a struggle with April because she wants to still dress in summer clothes even though the highs are only in the 50's. Crazy kid, of course I can remember being the same way when I was younger.
Tonight I have a meeting at 8pm at a local political office. This is exciting because the elections are so near and I'm ready to be done. Being a team leader is a lot of work and I really don't feel I've done as much as I should, but I have done all that I had time for and I guess that has to be enough. It's also very disappointing because it means I will have to miss Grey's Anatomy, which really bums me out because I truly love that show.
The new Angel Food Ministries menu for November is posted. I'm telling you, if you don't participate already it is a great program. The people I know that have participated comment frequently on how surprised they are by how good the meat and produce is. I would have to agree. I usually buy the regular box, 1 meat box, & the produce box. I spend about $72 but the meat lasts me for a month and the produce lasts a couple weeks. It's a great plan for us, then we just have to pick up milk, bread, and a few other odds and ends throughout the month. Since there are no income guidelines it is available to anyone that could benefit from it.
Today's tip: Do you hate paying $4 for a package of fresh basil, dill, or other herbs? Check out your local Asian market. They have bundles of these fresh herbs for less than 1/3 of the price of our local grocery chains and they are in bigger bundles that are in better shape. I recently picked up a bundle of dill when I was canning pickles for $1.25 a bundle - and the bundle was seriously huge! When I checked the price at Hy-vee it was $3.99 for about half a dozen sprigs. The Asian markets are also a great place to pick up cheap tofu and other produce items such as avocados, cucumbers, jalapenos, leeks, green onions, etc. One thing to be aware of is that these markets do tend to have an odor, and they do store meat that is frozen out in the open. But I can stomach it if it means I'll save big on my produce bill!
Monday, October 13, 2008
A Quick Supper & Some Gas
Sunday, October 12, 2008
A great weekend
Overall it was a great weekend.
Today's tip: Want a quick pitcher of iced tea but you don't have one of those ice tea makers? As long as you have a coffee machine you can iced tea in minutes. Prepare your pot as though your going to make coffee. In the coffee filter though empty about 4 tea bags. Run the water threw the cycle. While that is brewing fill a pitcher with ice. When the coffee pot is full of your tea pour it over the ice. It gets cold very quickly and is ready to serve right away.
Wednesday, October 8, 2008
Work, Socks, and Ham
Today after work I stopped at Wal-mart (gosh I hate that store, but it's the only one close by!) and splurged on a package of sock for myself! I needed them badly. There are some socks that end up in my drawer that are all stretched out and couldn't possibly fit my feet. But my husband hasn't worn them (according to him) so I just want everyone to be aware that there is apparently some creature or strange person breaking into houses and putting the wifes socks on their feet! How creepy is that?!?!? Luckily now that I got these new socks I can throw out the pairs that the "Phantom Sock Wearer" has ruined. I better keep these new ones under lock and key!
Tomorrow night is "Family Fun Night" at April's school. I am going to help out as part of the PTA group. You know what is really sad? There are probably 500 kids that go to the school, last year there were typically 6-7 parents that actually attended PTA. I find that absolutely crazy. I guess that because I have to know everything that April is doing and everything that is going on at her school I always think other people think/feel the same way.
Today's Tip: A couple nights ago I made a yummy ham. My tip is that the first evening you make a ham you split it into 4 sections. 1 - the bone, 2 - some slices, 3 - some chunks, and 4 - some ground up. If you do all the work that first night then you have several nights worth of ham ready at a moments notice. Use the bone to make some ham and bean soup. If you aren't going to eat it right away, label it and throw it in the freezer. The slices leave for sandwiches, or to heat up and eat with eggs. The chunks can be used in omelets, salads, smothered hashbrowns, or scalloped potatoes and ham. The ground ham can be used for ham salad or just to spread on crackers. The hard part is getting the meat cut up that first night, after that it's smooth sailing!
Tuesday, October 7, 2008
Tuesday's Thoughts
Earlier this evening I was searching for website that gave recipes to stock the freezer with premade meals and came across this really cool website, This site has a whole collection of freezer recipes and various downloadable and printable worksheets (for budgets, meal planning, etc). This site is one I will definitely be checking out further!
Okay, I need to complain about something. I am watching the Presidential Debates while I type this. If John McCain says "Well, my friends...." one more time I am going to freak out. Currently he's saying it an average of 2-3 times per answer he is asked, I am not joking. I bet that will be on a Saturday Night Live skit.
Speaking of which, did you watch the VP Debates last week? How about the SNL skit on it? Oh my word! It was so funny. Here's the link in case you missed it.
The tip for today: If you tend to make the same meal for every holiday (Thanksgiving or Christmas) now is a good time to start making a list of all the items you need to prepare your meal(s). Start picking up the non-perishable items and cross them off of your master list as you get them. When the holidays get closer you will have a good portion of your shopping done and won't need to spend as much time in the stores. Plus if prices keeping going up there is a good chance that you will save a good portion of money by starting to buy some of the items now. I'm not saying go out right now and buy it all, only pick it up now if you can catch it on sale and/or if you have a coupon. I also suggest that if you do pick up items designated for the holiday meals that you put them in a box and put them out of the way (in a spare room or the basement) so you or someone else in the family doesn't dip into them and it is forgotten to be added back onto your master list.
Saturday, October 4, 2008
What next???
You may remember me mentioning that tonight my husband and I were going to go out for supper to celebrate our anniversary since Tuesday night didn't work out. We drove to a new restaurant on the other side of town. We walked in the restaurant only to find out that the wait was about 45 minutes, and honestly I don't care how good the food is, I am not waiting 45 minutes for a seat. Especially when it's so crowded that you know it would be annoying. (We don't like crowds!) It was stupid to even try, but since it was before 5:00 we figured it wouldn't be too awful - WRONG! To make a long story we drove to a steakhouse about a mile from our house. Really I'm not even a big fan of steak - but this restaurant has other selections and is really good. This month they are having Oktoberfest specials. So I ordered the Sauerbraten. Oh my gosh! It was so good! I have never had Sauerbraten but do really love German food (must be because my family is originally from Germany) and have always wanted to try it. I have to say that the cider-soaked cabbage and the meat was so yummy! I wasn't particularly fond of the sweet cabbage and dumplings - it was okay, but I like sauerkraut that is sour, not sweet. I think if the cabbage was sour it would have been better. A picture of the dish is below. Sorry it's not a great picture, actually the food just looks like weird mush, but I took it with the camera on my cell phone.

Today's tip: When I was at the auction today there were some lace doilies. They were a cream color and very delicate and pretty. They reminded me of a tip I had seen on a cleaning show once that I have never actually used but will always remember. If you have lacy linens (doilies, curtains, tablecloth, etc) that have become discolored with age run some warm water and drop in 2-3 denture tablets. After the tablets dissolve add your linen. The tablets will remove the "aged yellowing" but is gentle enough not to damage your linens.
Friday, October 3, 2008
What is THAT???
Thursday, October 2, 2008
Another glorious day
One thing that everyone is especially interested in right now is saving money and trying to lead a more frugal lifestyle. This is obviously driven by the prices of groceries and gas skyrocketing. (Although the gas has gone down almost $0.30 in the last couple weeks.) I know that in our household we have certainly been trying not to spend unless its necessary. I've been doing things such as canning and making my own cleaners and laundry soap to help stretch our dollars.
Every little bit helps. I think that one of the biggest changes people can make is to simply eat at home more. When you go out to eat you have to pay for the food, drinks, a tip, and gas to get there. I know that we have cut back significantly. We used to go out to eat once or sometimes even more during the week. Now we go out typically once every other week, and usually we have a coupon to use and choose a place that is close to where we are going to run errands.
What frugal tips do you have that you'd like to share? It seems as most tips are simple: cut an old shirt up to use as rags, make a multi-purpose cleaner out of a little ammonia and some vinegar and water, etc.
Halloween is now 29 days away. Do you buy bags and bags of candy to pass out? Here's today's tip: Pass out something besides candy, it has been several years since we have bought candy to pass out. A bag of candy costs about $2 and only enough candy for half a dozen kids (if you pass out 2 pieces per kid). If you have 80 kids come to your house that means you need to buy approximately 14 bags of candy to have an adequate amount. 14 bags x $2 = $28 for treats. We typically spend between $5 - $15 on treats and to date have always bought our treats at Sam's Club. Last year we gave out juice boxes. Sam's Club had 40 boxes for $7, so for 80 boxes it was $14. Besides saving money by doing that you don't feel as though you need to give more than 1 treat per kid and it's not necessary a horrible, sugary treat. Other years we have given out unpopped bags of microwave popcorn, packets of hot chocolate, mini bags of pretzels, etc. Just look through the aisles to see what you can find. We have had many parents say "What a great idea!" when they see our treats. Last year when we gave out juice boxes kids thought they hit the jackpot. I could here them a half a block away yelling to their friends to make sure they hit our house to get their juice box! Other great ideas? Single serving pudding cups, jello cups, or applesauce cups. Maybe even a packet of Easy Mac. I guess I've always worried about what my daughter has eaten so I like to give things that I don't mind her eating.