Tuesday, July 7, 2009

The question is….. How bad do you want the help?

Last night as I was walking through the door to our house after getting home from work, I was hit with the smell of something cooking. I saw my husband standing in the kitchen making supper – tacos, to be exact. It was a wonderful gesture. I didn’t have to ask him what he wanted for supper (since nothing ever sounds good to me) or bother fixing anything. It really was wonderful. The only “bad” thing was the cleanup. Which I can live with – even though Layne does dirty more dishes cooking 1 meal that most people do in a few days worth of meals. Would I rather he not dirty as many dishes – um yeah! But, in all fairness I love that I didn’t have to ask him to make supper or even what he wanted for supper. I figure that even if I did have to wash some extra dishes it saved at least a half hour of my time last night by me not having to cook! I bit my lip & kept any negative comments to myself. It was a nice & very welcome surprise.

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